Prompted By A Sunday Song

Stained Glass Window at JC home.2jpg



Today’s post is Part of a 31 Day writing series where I choose moments from my life and let them be my writing prompt for the day. Today this song was threading through my mind.  I chose the third verse as it seems to speak to our weary spirits as we live in a world riddled with strife.  It is comforting to remember that ‘God is the ruler yet’ and ‘Jesus Christ will be satisfied.’

The window in the background of the image is from the church that my family began attending when I was a teenager.  My grandfather was the pastor for some of those years.  A few years ago when they did replacement windows they offered the old windows to the members of the congregation.  My parents brought this one to me. It is a treasure and brings back happy memories of a great time in my life. A time that was full of singing.

Singing in Grace,


11 thoughts on “Prompted By A Sunday Song

  1. Thank you for sharing this “old” hymn! I haven’t heard it in YEARS but love it!!! Am getting ready for my day, and browsing through Praying the Scriptures and your Prompted by a Sunday Song have really gotten me READY for this day. “This is the Day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”!!!


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