Post Cards From October

My series

(If you are new to this series start at the beginning for the explanation, if you have been here before scroll down for the table of contents.)

It’s that time of year again – Write31Days – where a bunch of bloggers decide to join a link-up and commit to writing every day for the month of October.

scenic route
My sister’s series

My sister and I are tag teaming this year, so some of the days she will be posting on her blog, but don’t worry, I’ll direct you over there.  Let me explain.

This year October is coming to you in the form of Post Cards and Pictures!  That’s right!  During the next 31 days we will be receiving post cards from October in all her glory.  She belongs to me you know, but I am going to share her with you.

October will be reminding us of all that is great about this season and giving us permission to enjoy all her bounty.

In response to the post cards from October, my sister will be posting travel pictures to share with October (and you too, of course) to show her appreciation of the season.  She will ask you to caption them in the comments. That way you get to be part of the correspondence.

Won’t you join us on this little adventure as we celebrate the loveliness of October and all the treasures that await .

In fact, I received a post card from her just today. Enjoy!

Table of Contents 

Click the banners to see the daily post cards (on the days my sister posts it will direct you to her blog).  

The links will be live on the date in October that corresponds with each post card number.


title.banner.day3 Title.banner.4


Title.banner.11     Title.banner.12Title.banner.13     Title.banner.14Title.banner.15     Title.banner.16Title.banner.17  Title.banner.18Title.banner.19  Title.banner.20Title.banner.21  Title.banner.22

For days 23-27 instead of post cards, there is one post full of fall pictures taken at Shaker Village. Enjoy!
For days 23-27 instead of post cards, there is one post full of fall pictures taken at Shaker Village. Enjoy!
For days 28-30 instead of post cards, there is one post full of fall pictures taken around my home town. Enjoy!
For days 28-30 instead of post cards, there is one post full of fall pictures taken around my home town. Enjoy!


10 thoughts on “Post Cards From October

  1. Teresa, i have really been enjoying this series, if your post cards were for sale as a desk calendar, i would buy one! Your words and the photos have been a wonderful pause for my mornings, thank you for that!


    1. Thank you, Melony. The idea for a calendar is a great one. I’ll have to give that some thought – I would love to do something with them.
      I’m thinking of continuing the post card theme, once in a while, through all the seasons.


  2. Love this! The images are beautiful, and make me wish I were there where I could really SEE how beautiful autumn can be!!

    Thanks for sharing your postcards from October!!


    1. Thanks, Barbara! This picture was taken a few years ago in Cherokee Park when we lived in Louisville. I can’t wait for the colors to peak this year so I can take some new pictures.


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