Mustard Seed Faith (learning curve)

 Today’s post is a list of things I’m learning on my health journey series. If you are just now stopping in you may want to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 before continuing.

As you can well imagine, or maybe you know from your experiences, dealing with illness is not an easy thing.  There is a lot of uncertainty and waiting. I’m not going to lie or pretend to have it all together – it is scary to be faced with tests and a chronic diagnosis that has so many unknowns. Some days it backs me up against a wall, and I’m frozen, unable to move or think straight.

Faith is hard fought and trusting God’s plan feels shaky.

Even when I waver, I know God is God, and I know he is sovereign.  I know he walks ahead of me on the path seeing what I don’t see.  I know he is with me even when he seems far away.  And, I know that I need to keep moving forward doing the next thing.  I can’t get lost in what if’s and neither can I bury my head in the sand refusing to acknowledge the realities.  It is a fine line that requires the balance of a tightrope walker.

Faith is hard fought and trusting God’s plan feels shaky. 

But, faith as small as a mustard seed moves mountains and God’s plan is sure.

Slowly, but surely I’m learning to trust his plan. He has been teaching me ways to travel:

  1.  Pray hard.
  2.  Rely on Scripture.
  3. Realize I can’t, but God can.
  4. I’m invincible until God says otherwise (words from our friend BJ that he heard from his minister).
  5. I need to operate under the assumption that I am doing well until I hear otherwise (this does not mean bury my head in the sand, but I shouldn’t borrow trouble).
  6. Extend grace to myself and to others (none of us can do it all ).
  7. A perfectly clean house is overrated (don’t’ be slovenly, but don’t obsess – most people don’t go looking for dust bunnies).
  8. Practice thankfulness (don’t complain).
  9. Be intentional about relationships (I need to plan ahead and pace myself so that I don’t neglect family and friends.  They need me, and I need them).
  10. Make time for things that feed my soul (writing and puttering around my house making it beautiful).
  11. PRIORITIZE – it is essential that I learn to embrace what is most important and let go of the lesser things.

This list is a work in progress, but it is a good reminder to keep me focused on the big picture.  The Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) is just one part of my life, and while I want to respect it, I don’t want it to be the boss of me.  I never want to forget that God is the author of my story.  Even in my mustard seed faith, his plan is sure.

Linking up with Emily and others over at Chatting at the Sky for What we Learned in January.  

Learning in grace,


9 thoughts on “Mustard Seed Faith (learning curve)

  1. Teresa, I know I am late to the table here, but that just meant that i got to read the series thru start to finish! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us, tho the details are different for me and the journey i’m walking, the lessons you gleaned and the struggles you shared are much the same. I have been blessed and refreshed with these words during a time i needed it greatly. you seem to have that gift, giving me encouragement on my own blog or right here on yours, and i am so thankful for that!


    1. Thank you for reading, friend and for your kind words. You always have beautiful words for me to read when I stop by – so glad we met and can be an encouragement to one another.


  2. I love how you’re writing through, wrestling through, coming to grips with your illness and its great impact on you, friend. I hope that in the articulating and sharing, clarity, peace, and strength will come in waves that will wash over you like a healing stream.

    Please know that you are not alone!

    Hugs …


    1. Reading your words makes me smile – part of the healing stream that washes over me is when friends reach out with encouraging words. Thank you, friend.


  3. Extending grace to ourselves and others is truly so important! I struggle a bit in giving it to myself but your post really made good points and put it all in perspective.
    Have a wonderful, sunny weekend.


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