Porch Dancing

I look across at your house and see shadows of the trees dancing in the sunlight and I’m reminded of our porch dances.

You’d sway to the rhythm of your own music and smile impishly. Even though I was across the yard looking through my window I knew there was a twinkle in your eye.

As you twirled under the porch light, I waved and danced along with you wishing we could stay like this forever; a happy moment suspended in time.

I loved when you danced because that meant you were happy. You were so full of life and even when the Alzheimer’s was robbing you of so much you still had a passion for living.

I’ll never forget the time you told me about your dancing skirt. It was denim with several gores; it came down almost to your ankles and it had a nice twirl. I came over one day and you had it on. You told me that when you put it on it made you dance. That skirt is long gone but I hope it is making someone else dance.

Today is a day to remember. You’ve been gone two years and I miss you so much, but when I think of you dancing in heaven it brings me peace because I know how happy you are in the arms of Jesus.

I hope there is a porch in heaven so that someday soon we can dance again.

Let them praise His name with dancing….Psalm 149:3

Dancing in grace,


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